Speech: 10 tasks to prevent End Game in long term SEO strategy at SEO zraz conference


Few months ago Ján Laurenčík, CEO of the Basta Digital Company, ask me for the speech on his event SEO Zraz. Because I was on the SEO zraz last year, and I like it, I say yes and prepared brand new speech about really important topic – continuous SEO.

SEO Zraz 2020

Table of Contents

Anotation of the speech

Imagine this: You finish keyword research, you have the right structure of the website and solved every technical issue. What now? I show you my best practice what to do, when hard SEO daily work knock on your door. 15 years daily SEO routine for your brains.

Slides deck

Photoshots from my speech

Thank you for photos to Basta Digital, Míra Stříška and Džarda Hlavinka (also for help with slides).

Aditional materials from the slides

Featured snippet tools

SEO tools

SEO websites

SEO Twitter acounts to follow (Googlers)

Resumé articles from conference

Slides deck

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